Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Girls Night & New Season of Glee!!

A new season of glee started tonight and I was SO excited!! (: I am a huge Gleek!! I wore my Glee t-shirt all day today to support the season premiere! I went to lunch with my mom and grandma and we ate at Pizza Hut and when we walked in our waitress said she loved my shirt and the show and when I told her the new season started tonight she didn't even know it was coming back on. What kind of Glee fan are you? I thought it was funny she commented on it though!

Every Tuesday night I have girls over for dinner and to watch Glee, One Tree Hill, and Teen Mom for right now until those shows are over.

My good friend Amy that I use to work with brought her little girl Mia over to visit! She's 10 weeks old and sooo cute! When Amy first got here she was sleeping and I held her for awhile then handed her off to my sister Lindsay and she woke up. She was wide awake and she started watching Glee with us. It was soo funny! Even though she didn't know what was going on she really looked like she was watching it. I think she just loved the music! This is the best picture I could get of Mia watching Glee with Lindsay! Ha (:
My best friend from high school, Carly came over too! Funny story...we use to HATE each other in elementary school when we played sports against each other and we really don't know why! I always tell her it's because I was jealous of her because she was better than me in sports and stuff but once we got to middle school and we played basketball together on the same team we became best friends and we have been best friends since then! She is like another sister to me, so you will probably hear a lot about her too!! I got her hooked on Glee! She use to make fun of me for watching it and i kept talking about it and made her watch a couple episodes with me and now she is just as obsessed as I am! I didn't get a picture of us tonight but this is from last season when we watched the Finale! I'm telling you, we are borderline obsessed with this show! (:
My cousin Abbey came over too! I got her hooked on Glee too last season so she watches it with us now! We always have a great time. She is like a Susie homemaker because she loves decorating and cooking! So here is a picture of her making us a cheesecake for desert!!
My mom was also watching our shows with us but she doesn't like her picture taken! I didn't get pictures of everyone because we were too excited for the premiere! I promise next week I will be more prepared!

And where was Stefan during girls night??

This is what he did ALL day actually...it's tough being Stefan, huh? ;)

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