Sunday, October 3, 2010

Our Fun Weekend

Even though the weekend isn't over yet, we had a busy weekend and I wanted to share it.

Friday Stefan had the day off so we spent it together. He had to get a physical for Nursing school so we did that, ran some errands and went to lunch at Bdubs (aka Buffalo Wild Wings)!

 We hadn't been there in a long time and it was soo good!
He is like a little kid sometimes, he started touching the screen like little kids do not knowing you have to put money in...well Stefan actually kept touching it and whoever sat there before us had credits left, so he got to play for a little bit!

After lunch we stopped by one of the Halloween Express stores to look around to see if they had anything cheap for our Halloween Costumes, but they didn't! (I won't say what we are going to be, you will have to wait for our Halloween post!) I don't usually get creeped out by stuff like that because I know it's all fake but some of the decorations they had turned my stomach they were so creepy!

Especially this guy...i don't know anyone that would want him as a decoration (:
Then we ate at Tobin's with my parents and my sister Lindsay. They have the best pizza in town I think. Stefan & I rented Killers and it was hilarious. I really want to buy it.
Saturday Stefan worked all day so I laid around and made a Photography Blog. This one will just be personal stuff and the site is It will only get updated when I take pictures, which I have a couple sessions coming up that I'm very excited about.

Saturday night we went out to our friends' Luke & Brandon's for a "bonfire" This was their fire...
Ha! It was so fun though and very chilly! When we were in high school we use to go out to their house all the time for bonfires so I was excited when they asked us to come out.

I only took a couple pictures...

smoke was in everyone's eyes all night so I can't tell if Jake is making that face from the smoke or the flash, Ha!
This is Carly, my best friend! (:
We made s'mores and hotdogs!
We had a great time! I can't wait to do it again!

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