Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Stefan!! (: & a loss in our family!

Today is Stefan's 22nd birthday! I always make a big deal out of his birthday more than my own, maybe he doesn't care whether we do anything for it or not, but I always make him do something! This year because we leave for disney in 11 days we are trying to save our money so instead of going out to eat I decided to cook him supper and Chris, Erin, & Tanner are coming over to eat with us and celebrate! His parent's are busy so they can't come over, we will probably celebrate with them another night!

We are also celebrating again Saturday night with all of our friends! They are coming over to my parent's house for a little get to together!! (: It will be a great time!!

Happy 22nd Birthday Stefan! I am so lucky to have you in my life and thank you so much for everything you have done for me this past couple of months! You mean so much to me and I can't wait to spend the day with you on your birthday! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I love you so much babe! (:

(All these pictures were from his birthday last year!)

Also we just heard that our great uncle Jr has passed away! This past week he hasn't been doing very well and pretty much has been struggling for his life! He was my grandpa's brother and a sibling of 12! If everyone can keep our family in their thoughts & prayers it would be greatly appreciated!

This is Jr and his wife & step-daughter at Tyler & Lindsey's Wedding in September

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