Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas to Me!

I just have to say I have the greatest fiance ever! He really has done so much for me this past couple of months since I haven't been able to find a job! We both agreed this year that since we went to Disney World that we wouldn't buy presents for each other this year for Christmas! I know Christmas isn't about the presents, but it bothers me I didn't buy him anything! However, he did get me presents!

We went out to eat with my parents last weekend and we stopped by the mall on our way home! We went into Kohl's and he found a Missouri sweatshirt! The Kohl's around here doesn't sell Missouri stuff, you have to order it from their website so I think someone ordered the sweatshirt then returned it! So he bought me the sweatshirt!

My sisters and I are in love with Jessica Simpson! Ever since her show she had with her ex-husband nick lachey! We have loved her, especially her purses! We treat our Jessica purses like they are people, Ha! and we call them Jessica's! Well when we went shopping the day after Thanksgiving she had new purses come out and I loved them! Well Stefan surprised me with that Jessica!

Isn't it beautiful? Ha! I just loved it! Lindsay, my sister, bought my mom the same one, but in red for her for Christmas and already gave it to her! I told my mom she will be turning into a Jessica junky like us!

Carly and I had our gift exchange! I went over to her house later last week! We decided to do an ornament exchange, but when I went shopping for an ornament I never saw one that I thought was cute enough for her! So instead I found something else for her! I just bought her a bunch of little glee things from Claire's! I got her a checklist notepad, a key chain just like mine that she's been wanting, and a button that says I love Puck! And she got me these ornaments!

I love them! I love that the wine glasses have our names on them and I love the camera! It suits me perfectly!

Since I've been sick this past couple weeks Stefan and I haven't been doing much of anything but laying around watching Christmas movies and playing games! We've been playing Uno a lot and Sorry! We have a wii game where you can play both games on the wii, but we wanted the real game to play in person, so my mom gave us an early Christmas present last night...

Yep, she got us Sorry! It's so fun! We've been playing it a lot!

 Tonight we are having our family Christmas because everyone either has other plans or has to work Christmas Eve or Christmas day! I can't wait to see what everyone gets! (:

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

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