Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Celebrating Erin's Birthday!

Sunday we celebrated Erin's 30th Birthday! Lindsay and I ran to Walmart and the dollar store to get decorations before she got to our house! The weather was crappy, but it was still fun!

The Dollar Tree didn't have a very good selection for Birthday balloons!

I'm not real sure why we decorated outside when we knew it was going to rain!

We completely forgot to get poster board to make signs so mom quickly put together a homemade poster and put it on the front door!

The nasty storm that was coming!

We decided to take some pictures before the party started! My camera is still broke so all these came from Erin's camera which is not good (no offense Erin! haha)

We had to get one with Tan! (:

When my Aunt Lisa had a cookout at their house our friend Eric asked what he needed to bring and they all told him a fancy watermelon basket with fruit inside! So he googled how to make them and showed up with one and he did an awesome job even though they were joking. So now we will always have him make one when we have get togethers! He is so good at it! My mom told him she was going to hire him to make a couple for our wedding!

We had amazing pulled pork that my Aunt Kim made! It was so good!

And my Grandma's awesome Taco salad in the blue bowl..notice there is hardly any left! Her taco salad doesn't stick around long!

This was right before we cut the cake! Erin wanted an ice cream cake, but Tanner doesn't eat chocolate so Mom made cupcakes too!

Tanner sang to Erin then hugged her and told her he loved her afterwards! He is the sweetest little boy!

We had so much fun celebrating her birthday! I love when our family gets together like we do! (: We hope you enjoyed your Birthday Erin! We love you!!

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