Monday, July 11, 2011

Our St. Louis Weekend!

Our weekend started on Friday. We took the day off to get ready for St. Louis and we also took our Summer pictures! To see them click here!

This weekend Stefan and I went to St. Louis!

 Our original plan was to leave on a Friday and go to a Cardinal game then stay and go to another game on Sunday then come home after the game, well our plans changed! We actually left on Saturday morning and went to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery.

I am not a beer drinker, Stefan is and his favorite is Budweiser so this was mostly for him! We saw the Budweiser Clydesdales and their stalls! They were so pretty!

We went on the free tour around the Brewery! I don't think I will ever go to another Brewery! I don't like beer so I think that has a lot to do with it, but I couldn't take the smell in some parts, mostly when we were walking outside! It was horrible! Stefan kept threatening me not to gag or throw up or he would run away from me! haha! Luckily i never did! We still had a good time!

I know Stefan loved it and his favorite part was the free beer! I drank Mountain Dew instead!

After the Brewery Stefan surprised me and took me to the Galleria Mall! I had heard of it, but never been to it! It was amazing! I loved it!

They had huge Missouri store so we went in there and I bought a couple shirts for this fall for the football games!

After the mall we went to check into our hotel so we could get ready for the Cardinal game! Our hotel was really nice and cheap! It was next to the Metrolink so we had the Hotel shuttle take us to the Metro and we rode that to the game!

Our seats at the game were pretty good! It was a night game, but it was still so hot and humid! I took lots of pictures of my OTHER future husband Skip Schumaker! I just love him!

Isn't he so cute?

I had to get a picture of Yadi! (: We almost named Cooper, our dog, Yadi!

Pujols and Schumaker! Pujols melts me too!!

Pujols hit a homerun towards the end of the game, but I didnt have my camera out and ready because I had already taken so many and the game was getting exciting so I wanted to pay attention!

The Cards ended up winning! It was such an exciting game! I am so glad we went! After the game we walked down closer to the field and we asked one of the ladies that works there to take our picture! I felt bad because she didn't know how to use my camera, but I thought the picture still turned out good!

After the game we went back to our hotel and fell right to sleep! The next morning we got up and showered and went to eat at The Old Spaghetti Factory.

It was okay! We have been there before and liked it, but this time it wasn't as good! Then Stefan wanted to take me down to the Riverfront because I had never been and it was really neat! But it recently just flooded so it was really dirty! I loved the old bridges. They were so pretty!

There's still a huge section down by the River that is still flooded. You can tell by this statue sticking out of the water! Between the statue and the cement you can see in the picture is where you can park and get out and walk.

We walked to the Arch too! I have been to the Arch before, but I have never gone up in it because I am afraid of heights.

We had such a good time, but we were hot and ready to head home!
We hope everyone had a good weekend like we did!

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