Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Carly's Birthday Dinner, Scheel's and Demo Derby!

We had another busy and fun weekend! I woke up Friday morning with a sore throat and it stuck around all weekend. It got worse Saturday night and all day Sunday! We still went to Carly's birthday dinner, but didn't stay long because i wasn't feeling good!

Carly decided to eat at Friday's! We didn't take very many pictures :( but we had a lot of fun catching up.

After dinner everyone went back to Carly's but we decided to come home because I didn't feel good. Eric and Lindsay were getting ready to start a fire so we joined them for a little bit and had s'mores.

At first we weren't going to have a fire because Mom said it was too dry and windy, but we had Chris and Erin's burn pit they got for christmas last year in our basement so we used it! Thanks Erin (:

Saturday we decided to go back to the State Fair to see the demo derby! Eric told us about this store called scheel's in Springfield that we had never heard of so we stopped there on our way. It was really neat!

They had a giant aquarium right when you walk in. When we were leaving there was a man in there feeding the fish!

It was just a huge department store of sporting goods!

It was really neat to walk around and look, but I think the boys enjoyed it more than we did! After Scheel's we went to the fair.

We had some time before the derby so we walked around and decided to ride some rides.

this was my first demo derby i had ever been to and i really enjoyed it!

we had so much fun like always.

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