Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend!

I love summer and I am dreading closing our pool, but it's starting to cool off and be really nice outside and it makes me ready for fall! I think fall is my favorite season! I love weiner roasts, craft shows, carving pumpkins, football, and Dad's homemade pizza! This weekend the weather finally started to cool off and i'm loving it.

Friday night Stefan and I went out for pizza by ourselves! We hadn't done that in so long and it was nice and needed!

We ate at Old Chicago and had their italian nachos...they were awesome!

We both had to work Saturday, but after work we walked up town to the Hopedale Cruise In! My mom and dad helped with it and it was their last one of the year so we decided to go.

My mom had asked me to donate one of my signs that I make to auction off so of course I did! They said I had a lot of people wanting it! They even put out a sign to advertise! I am trying everything I can to put my name out there for pictures! So spread the word people!!

Missouri had their first football game of the year on Saturday and won! So we sported our Missouri gear to the Cruise In! (:

Here's the car that won and Stefan's favorite!

On Sunday Me, my Mom, Lindsay, Colleen, Carrie, and Jen all went to see the movie The Help! It was an awesome movie! I recommend seeing it! It was sad, but had funny parts too! I really want to read the book now!

After the movie we came back to our house and had our first weiner roast of the season with Stefan's family! It was the perfect night for it!

We of course had s'mores that were SO good! Stefan was making the perfect marshmellows!

We had so much fun with everyone! I am sure we will have many more this fall!

Stefan had to work all day on Monday and of course we were all off, but we didn't do much! My dad only makes his homemade pizza in the fall and winter and I keep asking him to make it, but he said it wasn't cool enough, well today it was! So we talked him into making his pizza for the first time of the season! So Lindsay and I made a trip to Wal-Mart to get the stuff!

I have been using my mom's camera lately since one of my lenses is broke and there's something wrong with her camera too, but it doesn't take good pictures anymore :/ I don't know what's wrong with it!

I have to share these because I lost it when I saw these! I didn't know Tanner had taken these until I went to load them to my computer! I love this little boy!

I hope everyone had a fun Labor Day weekend! (:

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