Monday, September 19, 2011

Two Parades & Two Fall Festivals!

Saturday was a VERY busy day for us! Stefan of course had to work so he missed out on a lot :( but he met up with us after he got off work! It started early Saturday morning I was in the Morton Pumpkin festival parade with work! We had so much fun passing out candy to every one! I have never seen so many people at a parade before!

this picture was taken from a cell phone because nobody had a camera! :-/
After the parade I rushed home and we went to Tanner's soccer game! Lindsay and I missed it and got there at the very end! We all ended up going to my Grandma's for lunch because McLean was also having a fall festival and their parade was at 2:00! My cousin Eric is McLean fire chief and Lindsay's boyfriend Eric is on the fire department too so we went to see them! (:

Tanner even got to ride with them!

Later we went home to get Stefan and headed to Morton to their festival. We met Joe, Amy, and Mia there and had so much fun!

They were selling Cider slushies so we all got one and they were delicious! Mia loved them too!

We thought the ferris wheel would be a good ride for Mia's first ride ever...she was doing REALLY good until the carny told Erin she had to sit in the seat then she flipped out. :(

Tanner even tried playing peek-a-boo with her to calm her down!

This was the mean old balloon lady that wouldn't let Amy get a balloon for Mia! She told her because she was under 3 she couldn't have one and she was being really rude about it!

so instead Mia played the duck game and won a lollie pop that she loves along with Stefan's lid! She carried that lid through the whole park!

As we were walking out Mia could actually get down and walk since there weren't that many people and she ran right up to a barricade! It's good to know that mean old balloon lady did not ruin her night (:

After the festival we came back home and had Monical's pizza and played Sorry! Saturdays like these make me very excited for Fall! (:

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