Saturday, February 1, 2014

Our family is growing...

By growing i mean this (: 

We bought a Mini Australian Shepherd and we named him Finn! (: We don't get to pick him up until March 8th which seems so far away to me! 

With this crazy weather Stefan has been out plowing and salting all day and night and I am bored and lonely so I really wish we had him now! But at least this spring when Stef is working late I will have a buddy to keep me company! 

We get weekly pictures of him plus pictures of his liter on Facebook and we get really excited when we see them! It's really hard to pick him out of the liter right now, but we are hoping the more he grows the easier it will be to point him out, right now we aren't very good fur parents for not knowing which one he is! So here is your only warning, blog friends...there will be Finn pictures overload on the blog from here on out! (: 

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