Well Hello There Blog World :)
It's been awhile and we have so much to catch up on! My goal is to get back into the blogging world and I hope to do that because we have some very exciting news. First, let's play catch up.
In November we went on an all inclusive trip with our friends to Punta Cana. It was much needed, so fun, and very relaxing.
We were there for 10 days! It was a lot of fun, but almost too long for me! Besides our trip we have been very busy and very excited because...
We are expecting our first child in May!!!
We couldn't keep a secret very long, so we ended up telling our families pretty early! Yes, i was pregnant on the trip, but it was still so fun and HOT :) This was my second ultrasound at 9 weeks.
I am currently 17 weeks. This picture was taken when I was 15 weeks (Thanksgiving) So Far i feel like I have had a normal pregnancy. I had morning sickness off and on from 6 weeks to 10 weeks. I'm finally starting to get some energy back and I am eating like if i don't right this second, then i will starve. My cravings are uncontrollable, it's kind of scary :)

This past weekend we had an appointment to have 3D/4D ultrasound done to find out the gender of our little bean. We call her bean because in my very first ultrasound the Tech said "Here is your little bean" so the name kind of stuck :) The 3D/4D ultrasound was very interesting and will definitely have a story to tell her someday. We were in the office for an hour and a half because she would not uncross her legs. Stefan is VERY happy about that :) I had to roll from side to side, eat sugar to get her hyper, walk around the room for awhile just to get her to move and she would not budge. There was finally a split second where she moved her feet and the Tech could see what she needed to see. When she told us it was a girl, i started crying! I have always wanted a little girl and i am SO happy we are getting one. I can't wait to dress her up, put her nursery together, put bows in her hair, and see what she looks like. We had our Gender Reveal Party after our appointment. We wanted to see what Finn's guess was and he guessed girl :)

We had the party at my Parents' house. Once we got there everyone wanted to know, but i don't blame them. I was dying to know as soon as we got to our appointment and she would not budge.
This was Team Girl :)
This was Team Boy :)
We ordered a giant balloon from Etsy and took it to Party City after our appointment to have it blown up for us. Inside of the balloon was the colored confetti.
We had so much revealing that we will be having a baby girl! We are naming her Hadley. We can't decide on a middle name yet, so for now it's just Hadley...or bean :)