Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Glee Night & a Compliment from Wal-Mart!!

Last night was Girls' Night & a new episode of Glee was on. It was soo good! When I first heard they were going to have Britney episode I wasn't too excited about it because I think they need to get away from bringing celebrities on the show and start going with a story-line, but I still loved the episode, it was really good and I can't wait for the CD to come out!

This is Heather Morris who plays a character named Brittany so she was played Britney Spears on this episode and I think she looks just like Britney Spears here, it's crazy.
We decided to have tacos for dinner & Lindsay & I bought cake and brownies at the grocery store and Amy brought her "Asian Cookies" is what Stefan calls them even though they are far from Asian Cookies.

Okay I have to explain, Ha! When I worked at State Farm, Amy was asking me what she should make for a desert to take to Joe's (her husband) parents' house for a cookout. So we found on the internet a recipe for Twix bars. So Amy made some and brought some samples of it to work and when I brought it home Stefan asked who made them and I told him Amy and he asked "So are they some kind of Asian cookies?" I about peed my pants laughing at him because yes Amy is Asian, but that doesn't mean every time she makes something it's Asian. She refers to herself as "fake Asian" LOL because she was adopted. At the time he told me not to tell her because he was so embarrassed, but how could I have kept that story from her. So she brought over the same desert and told every one they were her special "Asian cookies" They were delicious!

Can't you tell we all loved them?
These were the brownies, they were just as good!
And here's the cake!  I wish I would have gotten a picture of it before it was cut. It was so cute, that's the only reason why I bought it.
Besides the food the only other pictures I took were of Mia of course! She is the cutest little baby!
 I don't think she looks like the same baby in this picture!
Tanner decided he wanted to hold her!
I know I promised more pictures this week, but I just kept forgetting! It's going to take me awhile to get the hang of taking pictures of every thing I do for this blog! :)

Today my mom & I went to Wal-Mart to print off some pictures from the wedding and the photo lady went through them and asked if they were professionally done which they weren't, I took them! Every time I try and take my pictures somewhere to be printed I get questioned. Last summer I took some pictures in I did of the Cardinal game we went to and the lady at Target didn't believe me that I had taken them and she wasn't going to let me print or buy them, but I definately took them and I appreciate the compliment Wal-Mart! :)

Speaking of my pictures, I have booked a session with a family towards the end of October I am very excited about and I was asked to take Mia's 3 month pictures in a couple weeks! I can't wait! This is my favorite time of year so I can't wait to see how these turn out!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Kelsey, I was literally laughing out loud at the Asian cookies recap hahaha love it! I still can't get over how different Mia looks in the pictures from last night! I love the picture of u two and the one of her and Tanner! I need a copies of them to hang up!!

Andddd your pictures are always sooo good, I can see how the WalMart lady could be confused!


Kelsey said...

HAHA i know, i laugh every time i think of that story!!