Thursday, December 23, 2010

There's no place like home for the Holidays!

We had our Christmas earlier than usual this year! We have come to terms that the older we all get the harder it's going to be to get everyone together under the same roof at the same time!  This is the first year our Christmas tradition isn't going to happen! It's kind of sad and a bummer really, but what can you do?

Our Christmas tradition is on Christmas Eve my dad makes his homemade pizza & his chex mix, and we usually open all of our gifts since Santa doesn't visit us anymore since we are older! It didn't happen like that this year because Tyler has to work Christmas Eve and Stefan and I have plans to be with his family!

Tanner couldn't take it anymore, he was so excited to open presents, we had to distract him somehow!

I made mom a sign that says Welcome! go here to read all about it!
Erin wrapped up a "State Farm Cookie" for me! When I worked at State Farm we would always get their big cookies! They were so good!
Stefan and I bought Tanner a Toy Story picture frame when we were at Disney and I framed his picture of him and buzz! He loved it!
We bought Erin that jewelry box with the pictures! I even put pictures in it!

Tyler, Lindsay, Stefan, & Dad were all there too! I just never got a picture of them!

Tonight Dad is making his chex mix, I'm going to finish wrapping Stefan's family's presents, and I'm going to make more Oreo Balls!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and enjoy spending time with your families! I know I will!

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