Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Playing catch up!

My best friend from high school Sam was home from spring break so Carly and I took her to dinner!

We haven't seen her in soo long! She was the only one of the 3 of us to leave and go to college! Carly is in school, but she goes to a local community college and Sam goes to a school in Texas! We had such a good time with her! It was like nothing had changed! We ended up talking for hours just like old times! It was so fun!

Saturday night we hung out with Joe, Amy, & Mia! They took us out to eat at Avanti's and it was so good! My mom bought Mia this teething toy (even though she's not teething yet) that she saw on the internet called Sophie the Giraffe!

It was on an episode of Teen Mom 2 too and when we gave it to Mia she loved it! I stole this picture from Amy's facebook that she took of her when we were there!

This girl LOVES the camera!

I haven't blogged much because we have been busy! We have a couple things coming up, including my birthday and will be sure to blog about!

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