Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bad Weather & Easter Egg Hunt!

I wrote this post a couple days ago and have forgotten to finish it...oops!

I have seen other blogs mention their bad weather they are having in their hometowns! We are getting bad weather too, but just lots of rain and lots of storms! The pictures aren't very clear because I took them with my phone.

this is some flooding across the street! It was a lot worse yesterday, so some of it has gone down!

Cooper does not like storms! He tries to run to the basement and hide under the chair!

Our town had an Easter Egg Hunt and Erin and I took Tanner! He wanted to use his new Mario backpack that Joe and Amy got him to put his eggs in! The weather was cold and rainy so it only lasted like 20 minutes, but it was still fun!

We hope everyone has a good Easter!

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