Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving with my family this year! We all went to my grandma's for lunch...and watched the dog show!

I had this great idea of playing football this year since it was kind of nice outside! Lisa and I were captains and had to choose the teams and we took team photos...worst team photos ever! haha

Our team won of course and we even color coordinated.

Later on Stefan and I left and went and sat in line at Wal-Mart for an xbox for him for Christmas! He's been asking for it for a couple years now so I finally gave in!

We got a ticket so we were guaranteed an xbox and we got one (:

After Wal-Mart we met Erin and Abbey at Target and stood in line outside with them for 20 minutes. They stood outside for 2 hours! They were crazy because it was freezing outside! Then we went to the mall and got home around 2:30 because we had to get up early and leave for Missouri! We had so much fun shopping though!

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