Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Erin's Cross- DIY!

Saturday night we went to the Pipp's to celebrate Erin's birthday with her! Her actual Birthday is TODAY!!! She already has plans tonight and she's leaving tomorrow for the not. fair! I had NO idea what to get her this year! I went to Hobby Lobby and saw a super cute Cross with a bunch of scriptures all over it that I have been wanting to get her but it wasn't on sale yet and we are on a tight budget right now so I thought I could just make her one! I actually thought about taking pictures as we were doing it for this DIY post, YAY! I am finally starting to remember to take pictures for blogging buuuut again, I used my phone so they aren't perfect, but good enough!
I bought 2 wooden crosses from Hobby Lobby and spray painted them black! I only spray painted the smaller one on the sides because that's the only part you will see of the cross, that's why it doesn't look as dark as the bigger one!
I used the Krylon Satin Black spray paint! I love spray paint and will use it on whatever I can because it's super cheap and it cuts your painting time in half!
I bought red and white chevron (are you surprised I used Chevron?) scrapbook paper to cover the smaller cross. While the crosses were drying I had my wonderful Husband, who I love SO much and appreciate everything he does for me (:, (yes I begged him to help me! I didn't even give him time to change his clothes after work) trace and cut out the cross for me! Instead of using scissors he gave me the idea of using a small razor blade so it would look neater around the edges then scissors! I didn't trust myself with that blade and I didn't want to ruin it so I had him cut it out and it took him FOREVER because he is OCD about everything, which is fine because I wanted it to look nice!
See what I mean about OCD? He had to make sure the cross in the middle was straight. He measured each side of it! He claims he got that from my Dad and I believe it! My Dad had to come over and hang our stuff up on the walls because Dad is OCD about it! He would be the first person to tell you something isn't straight on the wall.
Then Stef nailed the smaller cross to the center of the bigger one! (Isn't his small hammer cute? I told him it was cute and he said "Hammers aren't cute, they are cool" whatever Stef) I thought about just hot gluing it but I dont know how well hot glue works with wood so I had him nail it to be on the safe side. Then I glued the paper to the cross with hot glue and there you go!! (:
I think it turned out SO cute and Erin really liked it too!

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