Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brushfire, Paint Shopping, & Sin City!

Stefan and I both had Friday off because we were suppose to close on our house, but we didn't! We close tomorrow morning at 7am instead! Which is fine with us because Stefan is taking his state boards on Tuesday morning so this weekend gave him more time to study! Friday night we went out to the winery to see Brushfire and it was a TON of fun! (:

It was our first time seeing Brushfire and we loved them! They are coming back to the winery in August so we are definately going to try and make it! (: Saturday Stef and I spent the day paint shopping! (:

We picked out colors together and even agreed and I can't wait to see the house finished! We will start painting on Tuesday night so Stef can study for his test!! He's going to do pass, i know he will!!
Saturday night we went to Sin City for dinner...aka Eric, Lindsay, Matt & Mary's house! They just moved into a rental in McLean and they named it Sin City for obvious reasons (: Stefan and I got Lindsay & Mary an apron because every girl needs one and Eric & Matt a tool kit! (:

It was a lot of fun and very relaxing to just hang out especially right before this crazy, busy, exciting week ahead of us!! (:

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