Monday, October 25, 2010

Just for Fun!!

We decided to do a little questionaire we found on another blog! It's suppose to be like a newlywed game, but since Stefan and I aren't married we changed it a little bit! My answers are obviously Pink & Stefan's are blue!

1) What couple from a movie or TV show are you most like?
Nathan & Haley from One Tree Hill Vs. Donald & Daisy

2) Do you have a song?
Yes Vs. Yes

3) What is it?
Beautiful by Wayne Brady Vs. Beautiful

4) First Movie you saw together in the theatre?
Must Love Dogs Vs. Must Love Dogs

5) Who said I love you first?
Stefan Vs. Stefan

6)Where do you eat out at as a couple?
Avanti's Vs. Chili's, Monical's or Tobin's

7) Who is better at handling money?
Stefan Vs. Stefan

8) What was the first meal that your wife girlfriend ever cooked for you?
Probably a frozen pizza, Ha! Vs. Mostacholi

9) What is your idea of a perfect date?
I always plan our dates and I would love for him to plan something and randomly ask me to go, I don't care what it would be, but he would plan everything! Vs. Not appropriate for the blog!

10) What physical feature first attracted you to your spouse?
How muscular he was because of football, Ha! Vs. her laugh

11) Where was your first date?
We went to see Must Love Dogs Vs. We saw Must Love Dogs

12) What is your spouses favorite show?
Scrubs Vs. Glee

13) What is your favorite show?
Glee Vs. Scrubs

14) What is your dating anniversary?
September 24 Vs. Sept 24

15) If you could go anywhere on a second honeymoon, where would you go?
Anywhere tropical Vs. Hawaii

16) What surprised you about your spouse after living together? (this question we changed from after being married to after living together)
When he lived at home his room was always neat & clean & now he's a slob & he takes extremely long showers! Vs. She doesn't push the toothpaste towards the front of the tube.

17) What's the best thing about being married with your spouse?
He's my best friend & he's always making me laugh Vs. everything

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