Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dad's Homemade Pizza & Mizzou Game!! (:

We were suppose to have a full day planned on Saturday, but that all changed because of the rain. I was suppose to have a family photo shoot, then we were going to go to Radar Farms and then we were going to go over to Peoria and go to a haunted trail thing with Chris, Erin, & Tanner, but that all changed!

Instead we decided to go to lunch at Avanti's then we went to Wal-Mart to pick stuff up for Dad's AMAZING homemade pizza and watch the Missouri game! When I told Stefan we were staying in he was so excited he jumped out of bed and tackled me!

He insisted to still wear our Missouri stuff all day even though we weren't at the game!

I have to share, when I was getting ready and doing my hair, I always ask Stefan if I look okay even though I know he will never really tell me the truth, but I asked and he told me I look like one of my "blog people" Kelly, from Kelly's Korner! Obviously I look nothing like her but he thought I did for some reason! I always feel like all the blogs I read I have known these people forever! Stefan said they are just my friends he has never met! Ha and I told him they are my friends that I have never met too!

After lunch, and our trip to Wal-Mart, we came back home and watched Harry Potter, but I am not a Harry Potter fan, I tried reading the very first book years ago but I couldn't get into it and I stopped reading it! Tanner is really starting to get into them so we watched it on Disney Channel, I ended up falling asleep! We are going to Florida in 3 weeks and we are going to Universal Studios and going to the Harry Potter stuff, but I still kind of want to see that!

When I woke up from our nap the movie was over and we started helping Dad make his famous homemade pizza!

These are most of the ingredients Dad suggests! Dad is very picky about his ingredients! Last time we had his pizza I stopped in town to get some cheese, but I picked up the wrong kind and he would not let it go all night! He kept telling me when we were eating it that it would be better if it had the right kind of cheese! He is insane when it comes to his pizza, but it's so good!
Erin's job was to fix the sausage
My job was the pepperonis!
And Dad does most of the work, he mixes the dough, rolls it out, and cooks! We all do the ingredients and even put the pizzas together but we are not allowed to cook them or roll the dough out, ha that's dad's job and he's very picky about it!
He doesn't REALLY toss the dough up like this but he said he has always wanted to, so I told him to toss up the dough so I can get a picture for my blog! (:
Stefan wants to open a restaurant in the Ozarks and have Dad's pizza!! He's crazy!
3 of the 5 Pizzas we made!
I showed Tanner how you can use a timer on my camera! So that's what a lot of these are!
When I was Tanner's age my Dad would always make me a little pizza just for me and now he does that for Tanner!
My cousin Mindi and her 3 kids came over for pizza too but i didn't get any pictures of them! :( Her daughter Shelby who is 12 hates pizza! She won't eat it, i know she's un-American! But she tried Dad's and ate like 3 or 4 pieces! She loved it! I'm telling you, his pizza is that good! (:
I wish I would have gotten pictures of Stefan's excitement during the game, but I didn't! Missouri ended up winning and it was an exciting game! They played Oklahoma who is ranked #1 and Missouri is ranked #11 AND both teams were undefeated! It was a great game!

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