Thursday, December 16, 2010

it's a winter wonderland! (:

I am way behind on blogging because I have been sick this past week with a sore throat and a cold! I am starting to feel a lot better now, but I'm losing my voice and still coughing!

Stefan and I got all of our Christmas shopping done, we did that last Friday!  However we did buy 1 little thing I couldn't pass up for ourselves! One of the traditions Stefan and I started last year was buy a Christmas ornament for each other! This year we found the perfect ornament for the both of us!

We had them put the date we got engaged on there too! Which was a month ago yesterday! I can't believe that! It does not feel like a month has already gone by!

I love it! And i love they both have dark hair! We thought it fit us perfectly!
After we were done shopping we met our good friends Joe, Amy, and Mia for pizza at Tobin's! We hadn't seen them in so long so it was so good to catch up with them!

Here's a picture I took of the Taylor Family this fall! Mia looks a lot bigger now!

 They had an important question to ask us that we didn't see coming...they asked us to be Mia's God Parents!!! Of course we said Yes! We are honored to be her God Parents! Amy and I have gotten so close this past year, she is one of my best friends!! Amy said she is going through a stage where she cries when anyone holds besides Joe & Amy, but Amy handed her to me and she never cried! She sat on my lap for at least 20 minutes and I handed her to Stefan to see what she would do with him and she loved him! I didn't have my camera with me and I wish I would have! Thanks for hanging out with us guys! I can't wait to do it again soon!!

I stole this picture from Amy's Facebook! It's my favorite picture of Mia so far! She is getting so big!


We finally got some snow! Over the weekend we had a snow/ice storm! But nothing too bad, but bad enough to stay home! We went out to eat with my parents on Saturday night and by the time we came out of the restaurant the parking lot was covered in ice! On Sunday it snowed all day long and it was extremely windy! Lots of schools were closed on Monday! And we just got some more snow overnight and it's snowing right now!

i LOVE the snow! The kid in me still loves playing in it and we love to go sledding, but i HATE driving in it! that's the only part about snow i hate is driving in it!

Our dog Cooper LOVES the snow! When we take him out he runs around in circles and then digs his nose in the snow and tries to eat it! He loves it! So today when I took him out, I decided to play with him a little bit and capture some pictures!

See the snow on his nose! Ha!

It needs to snow a little bit more before we go sledding! We sled every year at a local golf course! They rent tubes for sledding and they sell hot chocolate and snacks! It's so fun!

I'm off to wrap presents and tonight I am going to my best friend Carly's house to exchange gifts with her!

Stay warm everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't had a chance to look at your blog lately and saw Carly's facebook comment about the Cooper pics and wanted to check them out!! He is so cute, it looks like he loves the snow so much! We are so happy that you and Stefan are Mia's godparents :) I was telling Erin about how she went right to you and Stefan without crying and we were saying how it was like it was meant to be!!! Hopefully we'll be able to get together soon!