Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Thanksgiving Weekend!

I am a little late for our Thanksgiving post, but better later than never, right?

We had a great weekend and we hope everyone did too! Our weekend started Wednesday night! The tap has a Thanksgiving H'eve every year the night before Thanksgiving! This year Stefan and I got to go now that we are 21! We had a great time!

The next day was Thanksgiving! My entire family came over for lunch and Stefan's family did too because they didn't have any other plans! Stefan had to work all day so he wasn't around!

Every time we get together we play spoons! We play at Christmas, birthdays, we even played at my cousin Abbey's graduation party! It's just a little tradition we do when we all get together! My cousin Mindi & I were the last 2 and we kept going through the deck over and over again then we decided to show our cards and this is what we had!

We were all going through the Black Friday ads to get prepared for a big shopping day! The only people that went was Me, Erin, Lindsay, Carly, Abbey, & Erin's friend Kim! We had so much fun!

Everyone stayed at our house besides Kim because she already lives in Bloomington! We ended up going to sleep around 11 and woke up at 2:30! We met Kim in town at 3 and went straight to Target! The line to get into Target (if you live around here) was back by Rue 21! It was nuts! We broke the rules and cut in line!

We stood in the check out line for 20 minutes when something happened to the line and it disappeared so we cut across to the other side of the store and we got yelled at by other people and kept telling us to go to the end of the line because we hadn't been waiting in line as long as them! Well, we didn't go to the end of the line instead we just let those annoying people in front of us so they would be happy! We ended up checking out before them anyways!

After Target we went to McDonald's for breakfast and then hit the mall! The mall was packed especially Victoria's Secret because they were giving out free totes if you spent $60 or more!

After the mall we all came back here ordered pizza for lunch and put a movie in and we all fell asleep! When Lindsay & I woke up everyone had left and it was almost 5:00! We were exhausted, but we had a lot of fun!

Stefan promised me he would put our tree up when he got home so that's what we did! Our room is in my parents' basement and they also have a living room down there as well so we say that's our own space so all the Christmas decorations we had up in our Apartment we put in the basement! I love Christmas and this time of year! It's my favorite part! It even started snowing yesterday, but not enough to stick!

We decided to do something a little different this year! Since we are all getting older and it's getting harder to buy for everyone we decided to draw names and do a white elephant but instead of something from home we are going to stuff stockings!  

I am so excited about this! I think it will be so fun! I can't remember who everyone got, but I got Erin and Stefan got Lindsey G!

Happy Wednesday Everyone! (: 

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