Sunday, January 23, 2011

Date Night & Behind Every Bride Show!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We sure did! Even though I'm not currently working I still look forward to the weekends just like everyone else because everyone else is home and I'm not bored!

Stefan has been studying all week for a test he has Monday, so he has had no life lately, but we decided he needed to take a little break from studying and we went to a movie! We went to see No Strings Attached!

It was SO good! I definitely recommend seeing it! I would go see it again if i had the chance! I love Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher! And Stefan liked it too! It was not a chick flick, it was more of a comedy! There were several guys in the theater! It had a lot of guy humor in it too! I can't wait for it to come out on DVD! And we don't usually buy DVDs because we have netflix, but we will have to buy this one!

We usually go to Wal-Mart before we head to a movie to buy their box candy since it's only a dollar because movie theater food is so expensive! We did go to Wal-Mart first, but we didn't buy the box candy instead I found Heartbreaker Gobstoppers! They only come out with them around Valentine's Day and I wanted them so bad last year because Erin, my sister, usually buys them, but I could not find them anywhere! So last night when we were at Wal-Mart I decided to look again and look what they had...

I was so excited! We ended up stocking up on them and we bought 4 bags! Ha! I love them! I snuck a bag in my purse and we ate them during the movie too! Stefan's choice of candy was crabby patties on a stick! Ha!

Today I had another Bridal show to attend! But first we had a little problem...

When we were waiting for Carly, my Mom left to go put gas in her car and she left it running when she came back in...well there is something wrong with their car to where it will randomly lock on it's own, even if you are in the car and you're driving! It's weird, but it did this when mom came inside to get us, so when we walked back outside all the doors were locked and the car was running and her purse and phone were in the car too! She didn't have a spare so...

My dad came to the rescue! He is head of maintenance out at our local high school and he said he's had to unlock a couple cars since he's started there so he brought some tools home to unlock the car! It was a success!

Now onto the Bridal show...This one was in Bloomington at the new Marriott Hotel! The hotel is very very nice! I wouldn't mind having our reception there except it's very expensive, so we will see! This time Erin & Carly came with my mom & I!

We got to the fashion show early since we were done with all the venues so we had to capture a photo!

The DJ service we are very interested in is Premier Productions! They do lighting, obviously DJ service, and a Photo Booth! That's what this picture is from!

They had one set up with lots of props to choose from and it took 3 photos of you! Then they printed out! It printed this way specially for the show today, but at a reception it prints just like a normal photo booth picture! It's so neat and I told Stefan we have to have one since I am such a picture junky anyways and he said yes! So hopefully by then their prices will be different!

I don't have a scanner so I took a picture of the picture and cropped these so you could kinda see them! It was so fun!

You can tell this was our first time with the photo booth! We finally got it done pat by the 3rd photo! Ha!

I have only been to 2 but this bridal show was by far my favorite! I had so much fun with the girls! I even saw "my dress" I think because I saw it online last week and then it was in the show today and I almost cried when I saw it! I just have to see if it's in my budget and try it on!

Thanks for coming to the show with me Mom, Erin, & Carly! I had so much fun!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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