Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Look who came to visit!

This probably isn't a big deal to anyone but me, but look who came to visit me because i had a rough day...

The best fiance in the world!

Stefan moved out and we no longer live together! We have lived together for the past 2 years and now we don't! I didn't think it would make a big difference but it does! He moved back home Sunday and Sunday night when I went to bed, I got upset! Haha it's not like he moved hours away or out of the country he just moved back to his parents' house and I hate it! It was just really hard for me for some reason so I didn't sleep at all Sunday night, which was not good since I started my new job Monday, well almost new job...

I had my first day of work on Monday and everything went okay, but the job was not what I thought it would be. I was texting Stefan Monday night asking him what I should do and he wasn't telling me what I wanted to hear! I wanted to quit the job altogether. Then I started to Lindsay about it and she made me feel so much better! I didn't quit the job, but since I am through a temp agency I asked them to find me another position. So that's what they're doing! They were so nice about it, but now I'm back to square 1. All morning yesterday I applied to jobs every where! I even applied to a couple positions at the hospital and i received a phone call from HR when I was in the shower, so when I went to call back they were already gone for the day. I called back first thing this morning and had to leave a message and I haven't heard from anyone since! I hope because I missed the phone call it doesn't ruin my chances of getting an interview.

Last night Stefan came to visit me! He wasn't going to but I had a bad couple of days and I needed to see him and I know he needed to see me too! (:

On a happier note I am pretty sure I'm finished the my orders for my photography signs! I'm so glad people have been ordering them! I love doing them! & I am doing Mia's 6 mo photo shoot Saturday and we got some cute outfits and props for her! I can't wait!

Happy Wednesday!

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