Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Snow Day!

Day 2 of being snowed in! It finally stopped snowing and the sun keeps coming out!
 There are tons of roads that are closed still because the plow trucks haven't gotten to them! 

My dad opened the garage door to start plowing and this is what he saw!
Stefan was going to go home today, but it looks like he is stuck here! Which i'm not complaining because he keeps me company! He does have a test tomorrow if he has school so he's been studying for that today! But first we ventured out into the snow to play in it!

The drifts behind out house were pretty big! They were so fun to play in though!

Cooper of course loved it! He wasn't too sure on the drifts though!

We decided to sled off the drifts in our front yard! We don't have a sled or garbage lids so I found a raft in the boat from the summer and blew it up and we used it! Ha! It was so fun! Here are a couple videos!

The first video is us jumping off the deck into the drift! That's how high they were!

We have storage units next to our house...i hope those people aren't planning on getting in them anytime soon!

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