Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bring it on Mother Nature!

We are getting hit with the biggest snow storm since 1900! They are calling it the Blizzard of the century and I believe it! 

We are all snowed in and waiting for the worst to hit! When this storm is over we are suppose to get up 2 feet of snow! All the schools and most businesses are closed around here! Stefan managed to make his way over here because we were both bored and knew we would be!

These were taken around 1:00...

and these were taken around 3:00...

It looks like we will be snowed in for the next couple of days! MSN.com has been reporting on the storm and said the area that will get hit the worst is Peoria, IL which is 20 minutes away!

My parents are convinced we will eventually lose power so just in case that happens I made some snickerdoodle cookies and brownies!

Stay warm everyone!

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