Friday, February 25, 2011

Voted #1's Most Random Post Ever! (:

We're still here! We have been somewhat busy or nothing really has been going on worth blogging about!

This past weekend we had a pretty laid back weekend! Saturday night we had our friends over and rented the Michael Jackson Wii game! Stefan's been asking for it but I thought we would rent it to see how it is first and I'm so glad we did! It's not worth the $50! We had fun playing it though!

I love how Stefan gets into it! He loves these wii dancing games!

On of our friends Luke brought over his hunting game and it was so fun and intense!

Monday I went to Chicago with my parents and grandparents for my grandpa's doctor appointment! A couple weeks ago we found out he has lymphoma! Years ago he was diagnosed with Leukemia and fought that and now he has lymphoma! His doctor sent him to Chicago to get a better look at his biopsy! I didn't think about taking my camera with me to take pictures of the city so this is the only picture I took and it was on my phone!

On our way home we stopped and ate at this diner called That 50's Place in Dwight, IL! I had never heard of it before and my grandparents had so we stopped and it was delicious!

Tuesday night we decided to have homemade pizza for supper! If you read my blog a lot you will know we eat homemade pizza a TON! My dad usually rolls the dough out for us and we do all the toppings, but my dad wasn't home so Me, Erin, and Lindsay took over! It was pretty entertaining! Ha!

This is what Stefan was doing during our pizza-making-madness! He was "doing homework" when I really think he was playing games!

The pizza turned out really good! Tanner loved it!

On a couple random, but exciting thoughts one of my best friends Carly and I are going to see Glee in concert in Rosemont on June 4th and I can't wait!! We wanted to go last year, but we didn't and we regretted it so bad so this year we are going! It will be so fun!

And Stefan got his first A on one of his tests this past week! He was so excited when he went online to check his grade he was jumping up and down and yelling, he woke Lindsay up! Ha! I am so proud of him and very excited!

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