Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our random week and weekend!

I wanted to do a post about the last few days we have had even though I don't have pictures of anything because it's something I want to look back on and remember!

This past week I started my new job and I think I'm going to like it! Everyone is so nice and I'm already learning a lot! It's going to be so different from what I did before, but I already know I'm going to like it more!

My grandpa had surgery on Friday morning to get another biopsy of the mass in is stomach! He did really well with the surgery and is recovering well! He is still in the hospital recovering so hopefully he gets to come home soon!

This weekend was so exciting for us! Saturday night we went over to our friends' Joe & Amy's for pizza and to hang out! Mia turns 8 months old tomorrow and Joe and Amy have been trying to get her to crawl but she doesn't seem ready! She just rolls everywhere! Well last night Amy and I tried again to get her to crawl and this time it worked! She started crawling! I was so excited Stefan and I were there to see her crawl for the first time and we were so excited for Joe and Amy too!! We asked them if they were sure they were wanting her to crawl because once she starts crawling she's going to be getting into everything! Nobody took pictures or even video taped her because we were so excited, we got caught up in the moment! After a little bit of her crawling around I grabbed my phone to try and get it on video but she wouldn't do it again! Amy's parents were coming down today to spend the day with them so hopefully they get to see her crawl too!  Thanks for having us over for pizza Joe and Amy, and being able to see Mia crawl for the first time! We will never forget it!!

i stole this picture from Amy's facebook
Stefan had a family member pass away this morning unexpectedly, so please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

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