Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Tanner!

Today is my FAVORITE nephew (& only nephew) Tanner's 8th birthday! I cannot believe he is already 8! I still remember the day he was born! I was in middle school when Erin had Tanner! I feel so old now!

A couple months ago Tanner was having trouble in school with not being able to focus on his work or what his teacher was teaching! So she suggested getting him tested for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) because to her, he just seemed really bored in class! So Chris & Erin decided to take him to the doctor to see what they suggested! He ended up running some tests with Tanner for a good couple of hours! The results shocked us all...

He doesn't had ADD or ADHD, he was diagnosed with Aspergers! Aspergers is a form of Autism! Aspergers is a disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests!

The doctor told Chris & Erin he did a test with Tanner that dealt with blocks and I'm not sure exactly what Tanner had to do, but he said he's been a doctor for 10 or so years and only about 7 kids had passed this block test and Tanner was one of them! He told them Tanner is a mathematical genius! He has told me before he likes playing board games where you have to count because he really likes numbers! And he's really into Lego's right now because he loves building things and putting things together!

It really hit all of us with news like that! We knew Tanner wasn't like any other 7 year old boy, he was better and funnier and sweeter! He is the sweetest little boy and cares so much about everyone! He's a smart little booger too! He's still the same old Tanner that we love and care about so much!

Happy Birthday T-man! We love you and hope you have so much fun this weekend at Lego Land! (:

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