Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Birthday Weekend!

I had the best birthday weekend! It started off Friday night, Stefan's family took us out to eat at Lonestar and it was delicious!

On our way home we stopped at DQ for ice cream!

Then we went back to their house and they got me cupcakes and I opened my present from them.

I love this picture frame and I know right where I'm going to put it! I just have to get pictures printed to put in there first! Then we watched The Book of Eli and it was really good!

Saturday I went to lunch with Erin and Carly then we met Amy and her mom to get pedis! We had so much fun! Our toes look fabulous now and are ready for this warm weather and flip-flops!

Saturday night we went to dinner with Joe & Amy & Chris & Erin! Our plan was to go eat at Old Chicago in Peoria, but when we got there it was closed for construction! We were so bummed so we went to Buffalo Wild Wings instead.

After we ate we went to the Peoria Riverman Hockey game! I got free ticket vouchers for the game through work and we got to the game a little late so our seats were at the VERY top! By the top we all got up there we needed oxygen tanks! But the game was still fun!

We had so much fun guys! This was the best birthday weekend ever! (:

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