Friday, April 8, 2011

My 22nd Birthday! (:

This by far has been my favorite birthday! I had so much fun tonight and I am so glad my family was here to celebrate with me! We were missing 2 important people though, my dad because he had a baseball game and my brother Tyler because he had to work!

My Birthday started off with work! I had to work until 1:30! I had these sent to me from the world's sweetest Nephew! I automatically assumed they were from Stefan, but when I opened the card and saw Tanner's name I teared up! He definitely made my day!

Then Stefan brought me these gorgeous flowers!

Erin ordered me a Mrs. Field's cookie. I'm not a big cake person, so I always prefer cookies!

Everyone in my family calls me Princess, especially my sisters because they think I am a spoiled brat and I get everything I want! So not true...haha! So they got me everything Princess, even these balloons!

My mom and I ran to pick up Monical's for supper then I opened my cards! i LOVE getting cards and giving them!

Inside my mom and dad's card a picture of this beautiful thing popped out that's on it's way here and I cannot wait to get my hands on it and use it! It's a 70-300mm f/4-5.6g lens for Cami (that's what I named my camera!) The lens is also from Stefan too!

Joe, Amy, and Mia came and had cookie with us and I opened the rest of my gifts when they got here! They got me the cutest hoodie and t-shirt from Victoria's Secret and Lindsay got me a shirt and a pair of shorts from there too! Then Chris & Erin got me lotion from Bath and Body that i love! After presents we had my cookie and just hung out! It was so fun!

It took Stefan 20 minutes to count the cookie!

I love this picture!

He couldn't take a decent Birthday picture

I had the best birthday ever! I can't wait until this weekend! We are going out to eat tonight with Stefan's family. Saturday I am going to get pedicures with the girls and going out to lunch then Saturday night we are going to the Peoria Riverman game and out to eat with Joe & Amy, and Chris & Erin! I can't wait!

Thank you everyone for everything! I love you guys!

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