Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend!

Saturday was our town wide garage sales so Stefan and I got up early and went with my mom around town. I was hoping to find props for pictures, but all I found was a photo printer for $5 and we found a couple outfits for Mia!

Then Saturday night we all went to the Peoria Chief's Game! Dad's baseball team is playing at their stadium next weekend so they had to sell a certain amount of tickets to Saturday's game before they could play. It was Star Wars night so they had Star Wars guys walking around!

My dad ended up with 4 extra tickets so Chris, Erin, and Tanner got to come but they had different seats, but they eventually moved down to us! Lindsey g joined us later on because she had to work.

(yes, i'm 22 years old and i have gray hairs! I plan on dying my hair soon!)

After the game they had fireworks! Probably the best fireworks I have ever seen!

Sunday we spent the afternoon at my grandparent's! We cooked out cheeseburgers and hotdogs and watched the Cardinal game!

My grandma said she wasn't cooking and my mom and aunt kim weren't allowed either so my grandpa and my cousin Eric grilled and dad and Stefan....

They studied! Stefan studied all weekend for finals! This is his last week of school before summer break and he is so ready for this semister to be over! Dad is studying for a test he has to take for work.

Then we met Stefan's parents and went out to eat with them! It was a long, but fun weekend! We hope everyone had a good Mother's Day!

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