Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our Long Weekend!

Our pool is officially ready! Last week we had the fire department come and fill up the pool.

So now the pool is officially done! We were in it for the first time on Sunday! The weather was not the best because it was only 75 degrees and cloudy but that didn't stop Tanner! That kid loves to swim. Erin and I got in it later in the afternoon because the sun came out for awhle and it was hot. Later on when we went inside to start cooking dinner I noticed I was fried. My legs and arms were so red and sore.

Stefan's parents came over too. His dad helped the guys with the deck and Danika swam with Tanner and Jen just hung out with us girls.

Danika helped Lindsay make brownies for desert.

The guys were still working on the deck so we put Stefan in charge of grilling...He actually did a really good job.

We had a full and fun weekend! I unfortunately have to work this weekend so hopefully I don't miss out on anything.

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