Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer is here!

I know summer doesn't officially start until June 21st but it feels like summer to me, so it's summer! School's out, the pools are open, and we have been cooking out like crazy! 

Speaking of Summer, this summer we are adding something new to our backyard for some Summer fun...can you guess what it is...(more on this after the weekend)

I had the past 2 days of work off because I worked Memorial Day. Yesterday Stefan and I went grocery shopping with my mom and I love Wal-Mart's summer sections, especially the swimming suits. I am a swimming suit fanatic. I counted today and I have 10 swimming suits, ridiculous I know, but I love them and we swim all summer so they come in handy. I actually bought 3 swimming suit tops from Wal-Mart. I just bought the tops because I will wear them with my plain black bottoms I already have.

I love them! Stefan loved helping me pick them out too, right Stef? He was so embarrassed. At one point he was standing in front of me and I was holding up a top and he thought I was holding it up to him and he flipped out. Ha, one of the Wal-Mart employees was standing there and started laughing at him. I can't take him anywhere.

Can't you tell he was enjoying himself? He loves shopping with my mom and I. Don't let him fool ya.

Today I spent the morning making cookies! Every time we get groceries the first thing my dad will ask is if we got anything to make cookies, cake, or brownies. (He's where I get my sweet tooth from) So I made chocolate chip, peanut butter, and oatmeal cookies.

I put some in a container to take with Carly and I when we go to the Glee concert on Saturday for the car ride there! I had to put a note on the container because Lindsay was already eating them.

I am so excited about this concert. We have to drive a couple hours to get there but it's well worth it!

It's back to work for me tomorrow then we are spending the evening with the Taylors! We haven't seen them in a long time and Mia is getting so close to walking I can't stand it! I'm just waiting for a text from Amy saying she's walking and I feel like I just got the text saying she's crawling!

I will have pictures of the cutest god-daughter in the world after the weekend and tons of pictures to share from the concert!

Have a good weekend!

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