Friday, May 27, 2011

The Hangover 2!

Stefan's favorite movie is the Hangover. He's got a couple Hangover T-shirts that he wears ALL the time! He has his Carlos shirt...

And his one man wolfpack shirt! He's hoping since the second Hangover is out now they will come out with new shirts.

(this is the only picture I could find of him with this shirt on, it's kind of hard to see)

The movie came out at Midnight on Wednesday/Thursday and we both had Thursday off so Stefan wanted to go see it! I ended up ordering tickets online just in case it was sold out and I am really glad I did because when we got to the movie theather they only had 60 tickets left between 2 theathers and within 10 minutes they were sold out.

We had to take a picture before we left

Stefan and I already act like we are in our 40's and go to bed early because we both work all day, we are exhausted by 10:00 so we thought we would struggle to stay awake until 2 in the morning when the movie got over, but we didn't! We stopped at the gas station and got our
drinks and candy because it's cheaper that way and snuck them in.

The movie was hilarious! We laughed through the whole thing! It has the same plot and everything, but it's different stuff! It's hilarious. I definately recommend seeing it! Stefan wants to see it again!

This is what time it was when we got into the car! Waaay past our bedtime, but it was really fun! I'm glad we went at midnight!

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