Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend - Part 2

We spent the rest of our weekend in the pool and eating!

Erin made this amazing fruit pizza! She actually added bananas to the empty spaces here!

Sunday night we stayed in the pool until 10:00 playing volleyball! It's been so fun!

Yesterday morning we went to the parade...

Mom was in the parade with the girls she works with!

After the parade some of us went up to the park to get lunch for everyone...ha, the best corn dogs and lemonade shake ups in the world!

We came back and swam...don't you just want to eat her up? I can't believe she will be 1 on Thursday!!

We found some sunnies for her to wear and she loved them...

the volleyball games were intense...can't you tell? haha

We have storage units next to our house so we all went and sat in the little parking lot and watched the fireworks. We had so much fun this weekend. I hated to see it end! But this is a short week for Stefan and I because we are going to St. Louis for the weekend to the Cardinal game! I can't wait!

We hope every one had a fun 4th of July!

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