Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fishing with the Taylors!

The Taylor family came over last night to eat pizza with us and to go fishing at the pond! The boys fished and Amy and I took Mia on the swings!

I can't believe how big this girl is getting! She's getting so tall!

Amy hates frogs and is terrified of them! So that's what Joe was showing her and then she screamed once she saw it! haha

I really wish this picture would have turned out better! She loved being at the pond! It was big enough for her to run around!

There was a little boy at the pond that ran up to us and told us his name was Wiam! He couldn't pronounce his L's, R's or F's! He was the sweetest little boy and had Amy and I dying laughing. He was carrying around this worm and I asked him what he had in his hand and he said this is my wubber worm! Then he decided to let Mia or Wia have it and he stuck it in her monkey backpack! He was so sweet and funny!

After the Taylors left Stefan and I put our comfy clothes on and watched Prison Break! (:

We had a fun Friday night (:

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