Friday, August 5, 2011

Our fun day off in pictures!

First I just want to say Happy Birthday to Kevin, Stefan's dad! We love you and hope you have a fun birthday! We can't wait to celebrate with you!

Stefan and I both had the day off on Thursday and we had a lot we needed to do! First we stopped at K-mart to exchange a pair of swimming trunks we got his Dad for father's day that were too small, so we got him a different size and we ended up getting a few extra things that we needed at home, like a laundry basket! Ha!

By the end of the day our basket was full of goods!

Our original plan was to go to lunch at Chili's because we hadn't been there in so long, but then on our way there we saw Logan's and we haven't been there in a long either so we tried that...big mistake! We didn't like it! I doubt we will ever go back! Stefan ordered Salmon and that's all it was! I ordered a fried chicken salad and my chicken wasn't very good! We were just disappointed!

After lunch Stefan had to go take a drug test for nursing school then we went shopping for scrubs for me for work! Right next to the scrub store is Hobby Lobby so we walked through there and Stefan acted like it was his first time in there! We walked through the wedding aisle just to look and he kept throwing all these decoration ideas at me! I don't know when he became a wedding planner! Ha! Then it was off to the mall! I have always wanted a Cardinal sweatshirt and Stefan found one and bought it for me! I can't wait to start wearing it!

After the mall we headed home! I finally printed and framed some of our pictures we had done awhile ago and he just now got around to hanging them up for me! When we lived in our apartment I bought these wooden letters from Hobby Lobby and painted them and glued them together that say Live Laugh Love! My favorite saying of all time! (I even have it tattoed on my foot) Ever since we moved back home I have asked him to hang those up in my room and he never had a chance to so that's what we did last night!

Some of the letters fell apart from throwing them in the box when we moved so we had to glue them back together! Stefan had the idea of clamping them together so they hold better, I don't really think that did anything! Ha!

I don't know why guys taking hanging things on the wall so seriously! He was getting so frustrated because he couldn't get the pictures even and then the letters started falling apart. I couldn't help, but laugh, but he didn't think it was very funny! Look at that concentration look on his face!

And the finished project even though the Love is messed up, but I wasn't going to tell Stefan that, I will wait and fix it when he's not here! Ha! I have been trying to make my room as girly as possible, but it's not really working! It use to be my brothers room then when we moved back home we wanted the basement so we get blue walls! We can live with it!!

Then we ended our fun night watching Prison Break! We just started watching it on Netflix because we finished Army Wives and we love it! It's soo good, but scary!

We have a full weekend ahead of us...we hope everyone has fun weekend! (:

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