Monday, August 8, 2011

Mia's 1 Year Photo Book!

I have been dying to blog about this book for a year now, but I couldn't because I know Amy reads my blog sometimes! But since Mia was a month old I started making this book, on Shutterfly, of pictures of Mia from the day she was born to her first birthday!

I wanted to have it made in time to give to Amy for Mia's birthday, but I wanted her 1 year birthday pictures in there, so I had to wait!

The only thing I regret not doing was writing down the dates of all of her firsts to put in there for Amy! Every time she had a first I would get a text from Amy telling us, but I never kept track of dates, darn it!

I kept track of how old she was in each picture! If i didn't have pictures from a certain month and Amy did, I would steal them off of her facebook, which I don't think she minds! I divided the months apart so she can tell how old she was in each picture!!

I love Shutterfly! I get a lot of my picture projects off of there and I have always wanted to do a book, but I never had the chance too! So I thought this would be a good idea for Amy, and she keeps saying she hasn't started a baby book for her so I thought I could help!

Shutterfly just updated their photobooks so I could go through and design the pages however I wanted or you could choose the pages that were already done, but I wanted it to be personal, so I designed them myself! 

It's so neat to look at all the pages and see how much she has changed! When I was flipping through it I got a little teary eyed!

I can't believe how much she has grown up! She is the sweetest little girl and we love her too pieces!

I couldn't wait any longer to give the book to Amy so we invited them over Sunday so I could give it to her! She loved it of course and I am so glad! She e-mailed me today at work and said she can't stop looking at it! I'm so glad you liked it Amy!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mia is so darn cute :)