Saturday, October 15, 2011

My first rental! !

I found this website from another photographer's blog about borrowing lenses. I thought this would be a good idea for me since I'm a beginner, then I can test out lenses and see what I want before spending lots of money on them!

For my first rental, I rented the Nikon 50mm lens! The lens is so small, compared to what I'm use to! But i know it will be a great portrait lens for tomorrow's engagement session with Matt & Megan!

I have only been able to test it on out Cooper, who didn't cooperate very well!

For some reason he wouldn't look directly at me...he must think his best angle is his sides...

Working with Coop is just as hard as working with a toddler (:

 I thought this picture was hilarious! I caught him at the right time...he really looks  like he's giving me attitude! I love Cooper!
Thanks for not cooperating with me Cooper! You are no help (:

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