Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Stefan!

Today was Stefan's 23rd birthday! (: He had class all afternoon and night and I had to work! So unfortunately we didn't get to spend the day together, but he got home from class around 10:00 and we celebrated anyways! (: (please excuse the no makeup look and pjs (:)

Stef drinks Dr. Pepper like it's water, so I knew he would love present #1!

Present #2, the big one...MIZZOU TICKETS! We are going to the Mizzou game November 19th and I can't wait! I bought these tickets last month and I couldn't stand to keep it from him, so i actually ended up telling him and because sometimes he works for people at work so I wanted to make sure he didn't plan anything on that day (:

(Present #3 will be on Saturday!)

When I asked if he wanted a cake, a cookie cake from Mrs. Field's, or ice-cream cake for his party on Saturday he couldn't decide between ice-cream cake and a Mrs. Field's cookie, so after work I stopped at Wal-Mart and bought him this little ice-cream cake for us to have when he got home from school (: and i ordered a Mrs. Field's cookie for his party on Saturday!

I love you so much Stef and I hope you had a fun birthday! I can't wait to spend the whole weekend with you, our families, and friends celebrating your birthday! (: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE (:

1 comment:

Megan said...

Happy birthday to your hubby! You're a good gift giver! Found you through Kelly's Korner.