Sunday, January 22, 2012

What a weekend!

We had the best weekend! (: It started Friday night we went to a surprise birthday party for Jake!

Katie, his girlfriend, threw it together and it was so fun!
We had delicious food...
and played fun games!

Saturday night I was in the Sisters bowling tournament with my sisters (obviously)

Erin and I were on a team..

And Lindsay and my Aunt Lisa were on a team!

I talked a big game about how good I am at bowling because usually I am, but Saturday night I bowled my worst games ever! ha! Lindsay and Lisa ended up winning the tournament!

After bowling we met up with the guys and went to the bar! We had a blast! I love hanging out with my family (:

Sunday was a big day for me...I went to try wedding dresses on with my Mom, Erin, Lindsay, Stefan's step-mom Jen, and his little sister Danika! They had my name on the door of my room..i loved that (:

I tried several dresses on and I didn't find "the one" yet! But i still have plenty of time and it was only my first time! So i am trying REALLY hard not to stress out!

We had a full weekend and another full weekend next weekend, but I am ready (:

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