Friday, November 8, 2013

"For Better or For Worse"

When it comes to life issues I have always told myself it's not something I am going to put all over the internet, because people have their own problems! But this is my blog and I consider it my therapy! I love my blog and I don't know if anyone reads it and I don't do it for people to read, I do it for me and for Stefan! I want us to remember all the times we have together whether they are good or bad! I want our kids to someday read our blog and see how we were "growing up" and to look at all of our pictures and see how we have changed!
 Stefan and I have been married for 4 months and we have hit a rough spot, already! We knew we were going to have hard times together and it's something I would always think about and wonder if we would get through them. I lost my job a month and a half ago, so I haven't been working since! The day I lost my job I called my Mom to tell her and I was in tears! I was scared! I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she told me something so simple and I hear her saying it still "Everything will be okay. Things will work out, they always do!" I have told myself that every day since!
 The day after I lost my job I had a job interview for a position I really wanted! I felt the interview went really well and they told me it would be a few weeks before I heard back! We just bought a house in July, we have credit card debt, we have car insurance and payments, and we have utilities to pay for every month! We started freaking out, so we turned to our parents for advise on what to do until I found a job! We literally went paycheck to paycheck with Stefan's income! Our money was gone before it even hit our bank account!
The stress built up so much we started arguing. Stefan and I aren't perfect and there are SO many people who have told us we are so in love and our relationship is their role model and it's something they want to find someday! I think that is amazing that people see that in us and want that, but we aren't perfect! We are SO in love, sometimes it's sickening (: but I wouldn't trade him for anyone or anything! We have been together for 8 years and this is the first time in our lives where we have argued and have hit a hard time! I know there are people out there that have it way worse then us or have had it harder, but this is hard for us, this is our hard time and it tried breaking us apart! The struggle we have been through the past month and a half was a struggle I was afraid would grow us apart, but it didn't! We went to classes with our Minister Tony before we got married and one of the classes was about finance and if we ever hit a hard time how will we handle it.
We both said work it out together and turn to God!

I literally haven't slept a full night in a month and one night I talked to him for awhile. I asked him to help lead us in the right direction! I asked him if we were at the point where we needed to sell our house and move back in with my parents? I asked him if I needed to sell my camera for money to make a house payment, or if we needed to cancel our Honeymoon!
A few days later I received multiple e-mails and facebook messages about booking a photography session with me! I broke into tears, that sounds ridiculous I know! I couldn't believe it! All the sessions I was doing and Stefan's paychecks paid our bills! We came up with a budget plan and worked everything out until the next month! End of October was coming and we began to panic again! We knew bills were coming due and I was still jobless! I was going to interviews all the time, but nothing was happening and I still hadn't heard from the interview I had at the end of September! However, Stefan did get a new job that pays a lot more then what he was getting before!
We started talking again about our Honeymoon and if we needed to postpone it because we didn't have the extra money to rent a car or for food, everything else is paid for.  We had decided we needed to postpone it and go when I have a job and we can afford to go! I looked into changing our plane tickets and our tickets to swim with the dolphins! The tickets to swim with the dolphins were non-refundable, so we would have lost them and they were a wedding gift and we would have been charge $450 to change our flight so that put more stress on us and we decided we needed to go because of everything we had paid for, but coming up with the extra money was going to be hard! Literally the next day, Stefan was offered a new job that pays $4 more dollars an hour! We couldn't believe it! We were SO excited! It was something Stefan has wanted to do and now he gets to!
Last week I got a text message from Sam that said "I have a really good feeling about your job situation this week. I prayed about it this morning and I got a good feeling" That text message changed me completely! My negativity went away and I had high hopes for myself! She gave me the confidence I needed! SO many people reached out to us it's insane! We are SO unbelievably lucky to have all these friends and family that care so much about us! And Sam was right, I got a phone call from my interview in September and offered me a full time job that also pays $2 more an hour then what I was getting before! I started crying tears of joy, not on the phone obviously, Ha! I felt like a huge weight was lifted! I know the next couple months will be tight for us to get caught up, but I will take it and we get to go on our honeymoon worry free! I want to thank everyone who reached out to us during this time! It was so hard on us, but we got through it because of everyone being there for us when we needed them!
(PS. the explanation of the Disney pictures, I have Disney fever and we leave a week from tomorrow!!!  & posts without pictures are boring!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is so faithful, Kelsey. He knows our needs before we ask, but He wants us to speak our praises and prayers to Him, and you did just that! Thank you for sharing this journey. I hope you and Stefan a wonderful time on your honeymoon; wish upon a star while you're there!
