Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Busy Fall Weekend! (:

We had a great weekend! Stefan had the day off on Friday so we ran some errands for our family wiener roast we had on Saturday night! We decided to make desserts so we found on Bakerella's website, pumpkin pie bites! If you want the recipe and step-by-step directions on how to make them, go here! After we got the hang of it, they were actually pretty easy! I was kind of nervous about people liking them but everyone loved them!

These were the only ingredients you needed! (her recipe asks for pumpkin and pumpkin spice, but she mentioned that and pumpkin pie filling, so we just went with pumpkin pie filling and they were still a hit)
Stefan did the dough part because i am not very artistic...haha but neither is Stefan!
I made the pumpkin part and poured them into the dough cups! 
Stefan was the first one to try them out and he wanted to add whip cream to them! He loved them!
Because we only made 24 of those I knew that wasn't enough so after we made these we went back to Wal-Mart and got a couple things to make pumpkin cupcakes! 

these are the ingredients for the cupcakes
My mom & grandma usually make pumpkin bars and they are so good! 
But instead of bars I thought it would easier to make them into cupcakes.
I couldn't taste them because I have a cold, but everyone told me they were delicious!

Saturday afternoon I had a Family photo session with the Taylors! Joe, Amy, & Mia!
Mia was so good and she seemed to be okay with getting her picture taken! (:

To see the rest of their pictures, go here!

Then we had to come home and get ready for the family wiener roast! My parents didn't come until later on because they helped my cousin move ALL day! So Erin & I set everything up and the boys were in charge of the fire.
This picture made me laugh when I first saw it! It just looks funny and I think it's because it wasn't dark yet!
Everyone brought a side and every thing was delicious!!
When Stefan & I bought stuff for the wiener roast we found these marshmallows that were HUGE! They called them campfire mallows and they took up a whole graham cracker & a whole chocolate bar! I think Stefan was the only one that ate a big one like that! I'm not a big fan of marshmallows anyways so I ate a small one! ha! (:
He had a hard time eating it!
Our amazing fire we had going!
After 5 years of dating, he is tired of getting his picture taken!
Someone stole my camera! and you know who it was? THIS GIRL!!
After everyone left our friends stuck around and we hung out by the fire! We had a lot of fun! We don't get together enough anymore, so we really enjoyed it!
When we all get together we always tell stories that happened so long ago! It always makes us laugh!!
Hadsall, always on his phone!!
We had a great night & weekend! Thanks everyone for coming!

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