Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Girls Night! (:

I never blogged about taking Pictures Monday night of the Pipp Family! They are on my photography blog, here!  Ever since I have posted them I have had a couple families show interest in a session with me! I am so excited! This weekend I am taking pictures of the Taylors! I can't wait!

We had another Girls' Night last night!  We missed Amy & Mia, & Lindsey though! We had Gondolas & Chips for supper and watched Glee, here is a little clip from last night's episode, probably my favorite part of the episode.

I hope these two end up together at some point, but then we read that he's gay and dates Kurt at some point, so we will see!

After Glee we usually don't watch anything, we just talk and hang out until 9:00 when Teen Mom comes on. Last night Lindsay S and I made Carmel apples. They were delish but verrry chewy! Ha! (:

See what I mean? It was stuck in our teeth, it was almost as bad as having peanut butter stuck to the top of your mouth! They were still delicious though!
Carly reminded me this time to take pictures & so we did!
oh Lindsay S! (: (we usually have 3 Lindsay/Lindsey's that come on Tuesday nights so we have to have nicknames for them. The one looking at the camera in this picture is Lindsay S.)
This is my sister Lindsay, we just call her Lindsay! Haha! My sister-in-law Lindsey wasn't there so I don't have a picture of her, but we call her Lindsey G still.
We watched the Season Finale of Teen Mom and it was soo sad & good at the same time.

I love Catelynn & Tyler! Tyler is a sweetheart and loves Catelynn. The finale was sad but really good when Catelynn & Tyler got to see Carly after a year!


I love Maci & Bentley. Bentley is so cute! Farrah has Sophia and I think she's adorable too! They are both single moms!
 I love all of them BUT Amber! I can't stand to watch her treat Gary the way she does! I wish Gary or someone would take her little girl, Leah away from her.

 I don't really have anymore plans the rest of the week besides Thursday night Erin is having a Lia Sophia Party that is begging me to come to so I will be going to that and Saturday I'm taking the Taylor's family pictures & my family is having a Wiener Roast! I'm very excited! (:

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