Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Pictures!

I have seen a lot of blogs around the New Year they post about 2010, I thought that was a great idea! I can't remember everything that happened in 2010, but I do have pictures to look back on! That's why I literally take pictures of everything! People either make fun of me or they get mad because I always have my camera, but I like to be able to look back and say "I'm glad I had my camera with me!" So here is our Year in Pictures!

Nothing exciting happened to us in January of 2010! I just remember we spent the day with our friends and went sledding!

I got my camera from Stefan for Christmas in 2010 so on Valentine's Day I used my timer and we did our own photo shoot and my first one!

I made dinner & a Heart shaped chocolate chip cookie for dessert!

We took a week off and headed to the Wisconsin Dells with Stefan's parents! We visited a winery and did indoor waterparks!

We celebrated my 21st Birthday!!

And Stefan decorated our apartment...that I miss so much!

We spent the weekend in Chicago with our friends Jake & Carly! We went to a Cub/Cardinal game, Navy Pier, and the zoo!
I have no pictures for June! So we probably didn't do anything exciting!

Our good friends Joe & Amy had their first child, Mia! I was there to capture the moments! In December they asked us to be her God parents! We are so excited! We love her and them just as much as we love our own families!

We went on yearly trip to the Ozarks for a week!

Stefan and I had our 5 year anniversary and Tyler & Lindsey got married!

We went to a Mizzou game with Stefan's family & Spent Halloween with our friends!

My #1 highlight of 2010...Stefan & I got engaged at Disney World!

DecemberWe spent the Holidays with our families!
We hope everyone has a safe and happy new year!

I am looking forward to a new year 2011! Stefan starts nursing school and I know he will do great, I just hope he doesn't stress too much over it! and hopefully I find a job that I will enjoy!

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