Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!

We celebrated New Year's Eve this year with my family & friends! We had people come over to my parent's house for snack foods!

We had a lot more food I just couldn't fit it all into 1 picture!

The Taylor family came so we had the chance to give them their Christmas presents! Mia is getting so big, she sits up now and she sat in front of me and opened her presents! She kept grabbing the paper then would try and put it in her mouth!

Erin bought everyone hats to wear and she bought this headband to wear for Mia! She didn't mind it at all! It was so cute on her!


I went a little overboard with taking pictures of Mia, so I narrowed them down! She is just too cute to not take pictures of her!

I just can't believe how big she is getting! Amy scheduled her 6 month pictures with me so we are taking those in 2 weeks! I can't wait!

We had such a good time with everyone! We sat around talked, hung out, and played a game of Apples to Apples! It was so fun! I'm going to go let the pictures do the talking!

We all made it to midnight then the Taylor family went home and everyone else went to bed!

We spent Saturday night with the Taylors again! We had so much fun! Stefan and I brought over a pizza, a game, and a movie! We played the game Sync Up! It's really fun and Joe & Stefan watched the Expendables while Amy & I just talked because we couldn't get into the movie! We always have a good time when we are with them! We decided that we will have more nights like that more often!

Happy New Year!!

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