Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas is not over yet!

I have been watching Tanner, my nephew, this week because his grandma usually watches him but they are out of town and since I still haven't found a job i volunteered to watch him! Let me tell ya, he has kept me entertained all week! I went over to his house Tuesday morning and we spent the morning there and headed here in the afternoon because everyone was coming over to exchange stockings for Christmas! I told him after lunch we could go outside and play in the snow, so we did! I love the snow and the kid in me still loves playing in it! 

When I was younger and we played outside we would always make a tunnel to crawl through so I tried making one for Tanner!

The snow was too fluffy to pack together so we had to use the big pile of snow at the end of the driveway from the plow trucks! It worked perfectly!

He suggested bringing his Mario outside with us! He has a soft one and this plastic one that's in his hand! When he asked if he could him bring we thought he meant his soft one and my mom told him "no because he will get all wet" and he said "No worries grandma I have a plastic Mario too!" Ha he is so funny!

He kept throwing his Mario in the snow then licking the snow off of him!

Cooper even came outside and played with us for a little bit! He loves the snow!

That night everyone was coming over to exchange our Christmas stockings! We didn't do it the night we opened presents because we didn't think everyone was going to be there so not everyone put their stocking together yet! So we did them Tuesday night! Dad made his homemade pizza and we exchanged stockings! This is a new tradition for us and it was so fun! We decided to do it like a white elephant! Everyone drew a number and that's the order we went in to pick a stocking!

When Stefan and I bought stuff for our stockings we just went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of crap! Lindsay got Stefan's stockings! We framed a picture of Stefan and Chris got my stocking so he got a picture of me! haha I picked one of Tyler & Lindsey's! and yes those Jonas Brothers playing cards, Ha!

Tyler & Lindsey picked Chris & Erin's stockings and theirs had lottery tickets in them, but they didn't win anything besides a free ticket! The Stocking Lindsay put together had a $20 bill in it! Chris picked that one first, then Erin stole it!

Tyler bought a Kinect for his xbox and brought it over so we could all play! Tanner loves the game and has already said he hopes he gets that game for his birthday!  We had so much fun!

I can't wait until New Years Eve! We are having our friends over Joe, Amy, & Mia, Erin's friend Kim and her twin girls! I can't wait!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!

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