Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy 80th Birthday Grandpa Bob!

Today would have been my Grandpa's 80th Birthday! The night before he died I remember my mom called my Aunt Lisa to talk to her about having a huge family cookout for my Grandpa's 80th Birthday! It was the first time they had mentioned it! Who knew he wasn't going to be here!

We all have been hanging in there! We have our good days and our bad days! I think more bad than good especially for my Grandma! She's hanging in there, but we are trying our best to entertain her and try and keep her mind off of what happened that day on June 16th! She's still asking herself questions as to why this happened and if he hadn't been mowing and he was just sitting inside watching TV would he still be here? We don't know and we can't ask ourselves these questions because it makes the pain more painful! We have to accept God had a plan for him and this was it! I believe God knew his cancer wasn't going to improve and he knew we are such a big close family that we wouldn't be able to handle seeing my Grandpa get worse or in pain.

I remember when Grandpa was in the hospital for his last surgery he had done when the Doctors went in to see how big his mass was, a nurse came in and talked to him about it and he told her "I can handle this. I have gone through it many times. It's my wife and family I'm worried about" He never worried about himself, it was always others!

A weekend before he died he was at our house all weekend and helped my dad build our deck by our pool! Grandma dug out his swimming trunks and he was looking forward to getting in the pool with all of us this summer! Every time i step foot on that deck and in our pool I think of him! and I picture him sitting at the table on the deck watching us swim! I love that though! I love little reminders of him. It makes us sad that he can't be here, but we all know he's watching down on us!

Happy 80th Birthday Grandpa! We love you and miss you more and more every day! There's not a day that goes by that we don't think of you and reminisce about the good times we have had!

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