Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mia's Birthday Party!

Saturday was Mia's 1st Birthday Party! Amy did such a good job planning everything! She had the party at State Farm Park and she had her family and Joe's family there and their friends! We showed up late because I had to work until 2 so we went straight from work! The saved the cake cutting for when we got there and I sat down to watch her and I dropped Cami! (my camera) I have dropped that camera numerous times and the one time I drop it is when I really need it! I'm hoping to get it fixed so I won't have to buy a new one! But I did get a couple pictures before I dropped it!

We got her this Swimming suit and cover and these outfits for her!

Of course I had to get something zebra! (:

her adorable cake!!

and cookie!

Amy's mom ordered her this little cake to smash! It was so cute!

I stole the rest of these pictures from Amy!

After opening presents everyone went to the pool and Mia passed out! She was exhausted!

I love this picture of us!!

and this one! They have been such awesome friends to us and we couldn't ask for better ones! We love you guys!!

We had such a good time with them as usual! They are coming to our house today so I can take Mia's birthday pictures and to swim! We hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend!

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